
Monday, December 31, 2012

5 Things I Plan on Improving in 2013

Well, another year has gone by, and with it last years Resolutions.  I can't even remember my Resolutions from last year, so this year I'm holding myself accountable by posting them for you, my fans to see.  Now, I'm not calling these Resolutions because that makes it sound like, if I don't do it for one week or something, then I've this is my Improving List for 2013!!!

1.  Practice MORE Random Acts of Kindness : I already practice a lot of random kindness, but I feel if I can practice more that it would also improve the outlook of the people on the receiving end and also give them a better day.  I already do around 2-5 acts a month.  I don't tell anyone what I do, but if I do it, then I know I've done it.  My goal is to do at least TWO random acts of kindness each week.  

2.  Exercise more!  Yeah, yeah, yeah...I know this is on every list this year!!! But, I want to be able to exercise more.  My goal is to exercise in the mornings after Monster goes to school.  With this, I also plan on getting a treadmill and making a stand for my laptop so that I can also work on the computer while I'm exercising!  

3.  Eat Healthier!!  This goes with number 2.  Right now, we hardly ever eat at home...we eat at restaurants and I would like to change this.  My goal is to eat at home for at least 4 days each week, which is a big improvement over what we do right now.  I also plan to eat more vegetables and fruits as they're healthier than chips and cost less.

4.  Get to at least 5,000 combined fans for both of my pages I have TheMarciFactor page on Facebook and also my jewelry page of MarciMallow.  With this, I also plan on making more jewelry for my fans.  If you haven't seen my jewelry yet, you can always look HERE.  I do take custom orders also! **hint hint**

5.  Save at LEAST $200 a month towards our vacation around Thanksgiving!  If I can save that much, then we won't have to worry about the funds to get there and the activities while we're there.  This will also count towards next years Cyber Monday as I don't do Black Friday shopping.  So, $200 a month will be $2000 by November 1.  This is the biggie for us because we always have the unexpected expenses along with eating out all the time.  

So, as you can see...all FIVE of my goals actually intertwine and help each other out.  Now, I would like some input from you guys...what do you plan on IMPROVING in 2013?  Do you want to join me on the healthy eating, or exercising?  How about saving more money?  

P.S. On the saving money part...I will be posting coupons and savings A LOT more often!! I will actually put them on another page for those that don't want to read those!! But that page will be linked to this one!  

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