
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Parent/Teacher Conference report!

We've known since Monster was a baby that he's incredibly smart...and that's not just a bragging parent.  We've had to password protect our computers so that he won't log on and head to youtube to watch various videos...usually Phineas and Ferb or Mickey Mouse.
When he was 4 months old he could tell from the sounds which shows were on TV and loved watching Phineas and Ferb along with Wizards of Waverly Place.  
When he was around 8 months old, I started using Monster Money as a reward system.

The only reason he is in the PPCD at school is for Speech Therapy!
The people that tested him knew he was smart, his daycare workers knew he was smart, everyone he met could see he was smart.  He just had the problem getting it from his brain to the mouth. 

So, he goes to PPCD and gets his Speech Therapy twice a week while also learning in class.  I'm thankful for that because it gives him a chance to explore what he already knows.  
He brings home wonderful artwork and his worksheets are always pleasant to look at.
The one problem the teacher brought up this morning is we need to work on his fine motor skills, he doesn't like to color...LOL! If this is the only problem we come across I can really deal with this!

She also talked about putting him in Pre-K next year for half a day and in PPCD the other half.  She said he really needs it because his intellectual skills are advanced, we just have to get him caught up on the rest. 

So, at our ARD at the end of the school year, we will be scheduling my little Monster for Pre-K and also PPCD, which will be a full day of school!  HE NEEDS THIS!!! 
As it is, he doesn't like to take naps, he's afraid he will miss something!
I joke and tell people that he was born so early because he JUST KNEW there was something going on in the world that he was missing!

This is why I'm also going to be working on homeschooling him in our off time because he is full of curiousity! I'm proud of my Monster Boy!

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