
Sunday, May 13, 2012

~~Happy Mother's Day~~

I want to say:
to all my friends and mom's out there.

I also want to take this time to remember those mom's that have lost a child.
There's one I know of specifically, besides myself.

Tonight, I was rocking Monster before bed and thought to myself...I never had these times with Em.  I never got to rock her to sleep.
Or Celebrate a 3rd Mother's Day with her.
Or go to the zoo with her.

There are a lot of things that the Carter's stole from me, and I resent that 

It's not fair that they get to see her every day.
It's not fair that I don't know what her favorite color is.
or even what she looks like.
But I do hold on to the little bit of time that I had with her.
And when I hold Monster...
A tiny part of me is holding Em in my memory.

So...this is a happy day!!! But also a sad day, and I want you guys out there to know that I'm thinking of you.
For my friend, Natalie Norton who lost her son.  I'm remembering you today, and I know you are cherishing the day with your other sons.  

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